Christmas 2022 opening
16th Dec 2022

This December, it is truly cold outside. So the headlines are full of ways to keep warm without blowing the budget on heating, but we know one of the best: planting hedging and trees! Is the temperature too low for such things? If you can get a fork in the ground, it’s fine to get planting – that’s our rule of thumb.
Even if you can’t quite motivate yourself to get planting, you can still come down to the nursery for some inspiration, to reserve trees for when you’re ready, and pick up bare root orders. It’s a good time to appreciate evergreens, shiny berries and the elegant bare stems and branches of deciduous varieties. We also offer gift vouchers – take note, those of you looking for a last minute gift idea, and one that will keep on giving, as the cliché goes!
Don’t leave it too late, though. The nursery will close at 5pm on Friday the 23rd December, re-opening at 8am on Tuesday 3rd January. If you’re going to have some time over the Christmas holidays, you can pick up trees and hedging so you will have them to hand when you want to plant. Drop us a line by email or phone to let us know if you are coming to pick up a bare root order, then we can have it ready for you.
Potted items just need to be kept somewhere cool and safe, where rabbits or other animals won’t be able to damage them. Bare root plants need to be heeled-in – temporarily stored with the roots loosely covered with soil or other moist material, somewhere they won’t dry out. Again, best to protect them from animals. Find more information on planting in cold weather in our guides section.
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Photo by freestocks on Unsplash